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Result cached from ed2k::85718D51E9600D0EF83EFEA875EBF226
Last updated 16.02.2025 18:53:53 GMT :: Result is valid until 16.02.2025 23:53:53 GMT
  Server Name Size Availability Complete Bitrate Length Source  
eMule Security 2 Sweden Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10.The.Return.Part1.WS.DSR.XviD-ORENJi.[TheRostrum.net].avi 350.10 MB 2 2 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Serbia
!! Sharing-Devils No.2 !! Russia Stargate Atlantis - 03x10 - Return - Part-01.avi 350.10 MB 1 1 United States
2 Server Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10.The.Return.Part1.WS.DSR.XviD-ORENJi.[TheRostrum.net].avi 350.10 MB 3 3 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Serbia
  Time GMT Name Availability Complete Bitrate Length Source  
16.02.2025 18:53:53 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10.The.Return.Part1.WS.DSR.XviD-ORENJi.[TheRostrum.net].avi 3 3 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Serbia
16.02.2025 13:31:18 Stargate Atlantis - 03x10 - Return - Part-01.avi 3 3 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 United States
22.11.2024 10:15:34 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 3 3 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 United States
22.11.2024 04:00:03 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 3 3 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 United States
21.11.2024 21:49:14 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 3 3 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Australia
29.10.2024 11:44:29 Stargate_Atlantis_-_3x10 - The Return (Part 1).avi 1 1 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Australia
25.10.2024 06:04:26 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 2 2 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Australia
12.10.2024 21:48:28 Stargate Atlantis - 03x10 - Return - Part-01.avi 2 2 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Ireland
11.09.2024 19:39:52 Stargate Atlantis - 03x10 - Return - Part-01.avi 2 2 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 The Netherlands
08.09.2024 13:01:37 Stargate Atlantis - 03x10 - Return - Part-01.avi 4 3 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Australia
06.09.2024 20:58:55 Stargate Atlantis - 03x10 - Return - Part-01.avi 5 5 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Australia
06.09.2024 01:32:10 Stargate Atlantis - 03x10 - Return - Part-01.avi 5 5 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Australia
18.08.2024 23:00:47 Stargate_Atlantis_-_3x10 - The Return (Part 1).avi 3 3 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Australia
23.07.2024 03:57:16 Stargate Atlantis - 3x10 - The Return Part1.avi 4 4 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Australia
21.06.2024 01:42:11 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 2 2 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 The Netherlands
20.06.2024 12:03:45 0 0 unknown
17.06.2024 21:42:29 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 4 4 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 The Netherlands
17.06.2024 03:48:57 Stargate Atlantis - 03x10 - Return - Part-01.avi 4 4 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Ireland
15.06.2024 23:59:20 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 2 2 1131 kBit/s Australia
13.06.2024 20:45:44 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 4 4 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 Australia
31.05.2024 14:26:44 Stargate_Atlantis_-_3x10 - The Return (Part 1).avi 3 3 1131 kBit/s Australia
26.04.2024 22:05:43 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 1 1 1131 kBit/s The Netherlands
29.03.2024 06:16:31 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 1 1 1131 kBit/s The Netherlands
28.03.2024 02:25:47 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 2 2 1131 kBit/s The Netherlands
26.03.2024 22:48:53 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 1 1 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 The Netherlands
25.03.2024 21:58:08 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 2 2 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 The Netherlands
23.03.2024 17:19:54 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 1 1 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 The Netherlands
21.03.2024 12:18:18 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 1 1 1131 kBit/s 00:42:53 The Netherlands
20.03.2024 06:03:15 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 1 1 The Netherlands
19.03.2024 00:47:33 Stargate.Atlantis.S03E10-TheReturnPart1.avi 1 1 The Netherlands
1 2 3 4 5
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